
In Rosa Leben sind wir all verwoben

Mit „Die Schneiderin von Paris“ hat Georgia Kaufmann einen viel beachteten Debütroman vorgelegt. Der noch dazu einen – erst beim Lesen entdeckten – Südtirolbezug hat. Umso mehr freute sich die Londoner Autorin über das Online – Gespräch mit der „Zett“…

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Desert Island Discs

Georgia talks to Cheryl Sklan, discusses her books, including The Dressmaker of Paris, and chooses her favourite pieces of music.

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Georgia Kaufmann: romanziera iperbolica, lettrice promiscua

Allegra Baggio Corradi Alle elementari raccontava ai compagni di essere nata su un treno che di notte attraversava l’Europa e che dunque non aveva una sola nazionalità, ma molteplici. D’estate camminava alla ricerca di funghi, more e latte di mucca appena munto tra Renon e la Venosta. Durante un pranzo in un ristorante coreano di Londra, sua madre inciampò cadendo …  Georgia Kaufmann: romanziera iperbolica, lettrice promiscua

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Women Making Waves Podcast

So we have Hannah Martin, well known make-up artist who has worked with royalty and iconic actresses and is currently part of TV show 10 years younger in 10 days. And then we chat to Georgia Kaufmann, her life in a Brazillian favella is extraordinary. Her time at Cambridge University and her new book The …  Women Making Waves Podcast

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